Day #9 Daily life in 16 m from ground level, I really have no idea what I going to write this day!

Daily life

As I say, I have no idea what I want to write here so I write I have no idea what I write.

This is my very boring day, blah blah blah.

Looking Ingress intel for my next target and my portal, someone recharge it for me.

Dig up CERN Document Server for interesting stuff and new technology

Check out what’s going on at SLRI. (Same place as Day #6 Invasion)

Open my blog dashboard. Oh, I see they’re more view than I think on my blog.

Top view by country, can you tell me where are you come from?

Thanks for all reader!

Day #8 I meet my superpartner, eh?

Daily life

Very very short writing this day, and sorry for unable to complete SLRI invasion part 2/2 in time.

I meet my superpartner now, everything same except charge. 😛

Well, he is Day #7 writer. Both of us are experimental particle physics follower, what a symmetry…

Great! I forget my lab result, I must go to pick it now!

Day #7 The new writer is here !

Daily life

Hi there, let’s get to it!

I’m particle physics freak. My name is Nattanon
Studying at Suankularb Wittayalai Nontaburi School. I’m interested in a Computer Science and Particle Physics. I’m a big fan of Compact Muon Solenoid, one of the most complex machine at CERN. My dream is to work as a Network Engineer and Data Center technician at CERN tier 0 Super Computer and also an engineer for CERN’s grid computing network, taking care of the most awesome computer grid system would be fun!  I’m planing to take part in Computer Science department at Chulalongkorn University. Thank you for letting me become one of the greatest Particle Physics Community in Thailand.

I love Computer and Physics


Day #6 Synchrotron Light Research Institute invasion!!! (Part 2/2)

Science adventures

I’m half recovered, I must complete this before get sick again!

Last time I’m very busy so I can’t add all full detail, now I will reveal everything in 2hr 45min at the awesome facility near my home!!

(Some part is copy from my note, some is from my memory.)

[N] 05/16/2014 AD 9.16 GMT+7

Day start with headache, still have more mission for me.

it’s time to move.


Arrived, first thing you can see is big building that look like made by glass.

OK, you can see how many awesome guys work here. Oh – long time ago, the older building look like…THIS.

This is only one synchrotron facility in Thailand. Many university here have SAXS or XRD but if you need powerful X-Ray beam for your analysis quality, you must come here.

For someone who really love particle accelerator, I want to know how they work, how to do something awesome and how they live in daily life. And this is the place that inspire me to make this blog!

I want to be the first person in target area so I running up stairs, forget everything include that I sick… so this is the result

Because the floor is slippy, friction hurt me!

I slip and everyone come to see me. I made my first “fall” on the front door!

Next, I have to find my professor when I’m in the experiment hall. I text him but nothing back, no internet connection on my phone. How can I forget about that!

This is my second fall.

I try to ask everyone I can but they look at me like – “Who are you? How you know this guy?”

WTF…I can’t lost this chance to talk with real physicist!! Someone help me!!!

No internet connection, no one answer me where I can meet my professor and very sick. What a bad day…

I think I’m going to resign, but statistically – You can not have only bad thing in all day!

I use my facebook to talk to my professor, so he don’t know my real name, everything end up like this…

My professor appeared!

He look at my group…





Everyone starring at me, I tell them nothing about this! (I guess I will go to meet him after Experiment hall touring)

Stop looking at me like that,please…

He ask me that I want to look everything in Experiment hall and go to his office after finish or go to his office now, I choose choice 1.

In the Experiment hall is very cold, or I think it is.

Real beamline look like a lump of metal and foil, tangled wired and look very not interesting for other people. Some of them is lock up in radiation proof  room, no lab coat guys here.

This is my reaction to these beamline.

Many people shock when they see my picture I take with particle accelerator and beamlines then said it radiation or it dangerous, I could say they really misunderstand everything!

Normal people get average 2.5 mSv (Sv – Sievert – Unit of radiation absorption) per year. We call this “Background radiation” because it is a radiation from environment, from carbon-14 that you breath it in and out, or eat it everyday, from building materials, from ground, from Radon and Thoron, from nature. Some radiation you all get is from medical, example – chest X-ray. You can read more about background radiation here.

OK. Then, why I say everyone misunderstand? First, before we enter experiment hall, they warn us to stay in line (Green line of visitor area), do not eat or drink in experiment hall (or you will get a chance to eat radioactive dust that land on your food/drink, if you want), etc. to keep us from absorb any radiation as much as they can.

Experiment hall tour finish, my classmate go away. It’s time to move!

This is what I think I do…

I’m agent Sine, I’m in target area and ready to break into control room! El Psy Congroo

No, I never do something like that. It just what I think I feel like!

Then, this is what I feel like when waiting for my professor…and what I actually do

No, I’m not that intelligent, and I’m not that evil… I just standing and wait…

Many people say

“If you see what your future work actually look like, you will change your mind”

but it NOT, I born to be this!

I don’t know how to explain what it look like inside control room (and I forget to take any picture)

It look like a control room in many movie, but don’t have a control panel with many switch. Many monitor show machine status or a graph. Also have real-time status online but it much more interesting to see a real control room!

Actually, many particle accelerator status have real-time status online. You can use a link I give below, it’s free and don’t have to log in or register!

Large Hadron Collider – CERN (Acceleraor Active/Realtime status Active) (All) (All) (All) (CMS)

Tevatron – Fermilab (Accelerator shut down/Realtime Status Active) (All)

Siam Photon Source – Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Machine Status) (Control room live camera)

First step into control room, It’s a trap! Control room floor is something look like made of thick cardboard, or something like that. It can slightly bent and you can pull it from the floor to do something with tangled wire under your feet.

No, I’m not falling into a lump of wire, but I feel like I fall when it bent. I hate very high place so it make me feel unsafe a little bit.

When I start walking around I can see many thing interesting, and I know what I want to do now! Particle accelerator engineer, act cool and stay late. Just kidding, they keep accelerator running 24/7 and solve every problem that able to appear in every minute! But Its look cool too 😀

Many particle accelerator control room feature is emergency beam dump switch, big red switch for dump particle beam in emergency circumstance. Example is earthquake. But many people really want to bump this switch with no reason!!

Maybe it’s an XM influence, I want to press that switch too but I don’t want to being kill by a group of angry engineer/physicist and buried at the basement of the building. It’s would be my worst end of my life!!

I can say that control room really small, messy and noisy. 2 machine operator per shift but this time I see 8 people in this room, 6 more people – exclude me.

Many particle accelerator facility have complex security system to make sure that everyone must be safe and stay outside radiation area before run the accelerator. When particle accelerator is not working, it safe to be there but when the machine operating it produce some radiation that could kill people.

This is combination of 3 things you need – Key, Access card and machine operator. If all key is not at its place, access carn not in a slot, you’re somewhere in the world but not control room. You can’t run the accelerator.

That also a 3 things you need to enter accelerator area. Agent Sine,that’s hard mission. Isn’t it?



Welcome to another world~~~~~~~~!!!

Freak’in annoying sound!!!

Accelerator is shut down so it’s a sound of pump and motor, I bet you that sound can drive someone insane!

Tangled wire everywhere, messy as same as my desk. 😛

Very very cold inside, or I’m sick…Nevermind it. Prepare your jacket before enter because this room have very low temperature for keep accelerator running well.

This machine is cooling with deionized water, a very very pure water that have no ion, mineral and nonconductive. I wonder how it taste like but not dare to ask, also not dare enough to drink it.

give me 30 millisec for shocking, then start walking around and try to make a mess.

It really look not interesting but guess what is it? Surely, more than 90% of people who answer is WRONG !!!

(Answer will be post when I complete this article)

…To be continue…

Day #0 Science freak who try to own his blog

Daily life

Honestly, I never have my own blog before. So I don’t know what I should do…

What I have to do next ? Introduce who am I ?


OK, this’s me. Selfie with Booster ring at SLRI. (SLRI – Synchrotron Light Research Institute, the coolest lab I ever visit. Behind me is RF and magnet. Yes, that 6 000 kg magnet build by Toshiba. This japanese company build everything I ever know!)

I’m high school student from Thailand. Here it call “Matthayom 5” or same as “Grade 11” in many country. I’m in Science advance program but that’s not matter, here this program being call “Gifted program” but I’m ABSOLUTELY NOT A GIFTED. I’m only science freak,or more specific – particle physics freak. Sometime I use bad word but never mind it, I’m something like that.


Let me shock a minute, It’s a REAL particle accelerator that only 214 km from my home!! (Picture by me)

My biggest and fucking very hard project is build my own particle accelerator. But I’m NOT going to build something like LHC at CERN, I think you can guess why. The greatest and shittiest worst factor for some project – MONEY! Many equipment here is damn expensive, even something I think that it equivalent to what I really need. I need UHV pump for make clear space for my electron beam, 10 kV or higher DC stable current, 1 m long stainless steel tube, blah blah blah, need meny thing. With weird question from many of my friends – “Are you going to blow up science building ?”. Shut the fuck up,guys.

now I think you know something about me new, so what’s next?

Ehhhh….My biggest problem is how to make this blog still alive? Never mind it, If I still alive. I will keep updating about my life.

Another problem is art work, I’m physics freak but I can draw Japanese style comic – or technical name of it is “Manga”. But how about CG art?

I guess this is not so bad


Photoshop! My old friend~~~ I have very bad skill in make a fake picture, but CG is not.

Next, My dream workplace!


Picture by CERN. (I don’t know what I have to do if I use these photo in non-business blog, I’m only want to present what my dream workplace look like.)


Large Hadron Collider – LHC, The most powerful human-made particle accelerator in the world (Picture by CERN)

I want to be “particle accelerator operator” or actually, physicist who know how to deal with particle accelerator. Because most of particle accelerator (example: LHC at CERN and Tevatron at Fermilab) are operating 24/7 so they work in shift. OK, for me, I prefer night shift. I like to work at night and go to bed in the morning and I can still working for 72 hour without any sleep. I think I can stay in control room for a day and a night if there’re something important.


What CCC look like. (CCC is from CERN Control Centre, Picture by CERN)

Well, Sit on the front of many monitor and act cool is very easy for me to do this duty. Just kidding!

Another thing you would know, and I know you’re misunderstand it. You think they will look like scientist in the movie? Working in lab and keep silence? The answer is NO!

CERN’s Physicist is freakin’ cool! They’re very very very cool! Cool as a temperature of what they use for cooling the accelerator!! And they’re freakin’ awesome. Oh my Higgs, I don’t now how to tell you how cool are them! But they’re freakin’ very cool and awesome! Also very clever!!

Check out all this link, I’ll show you how cool and awesome they are.

First link, Zombie film by physicist! They all are CERN’s physicist, believe me!

CERN’s Ph.D student make an awesome film, Trapped underground at the world’s largest particle accelerator, a group of students make a deadly discovery.

Second Link, Who dare to say physicist can’t dance? They can!!

National Dance Day at CERN! Welcom to Geneva, Switzerland. Where is CERN, The most advance science facility in the world. AND WE THINK PHYSICIST CAN DANCE!

Third link, Epic meal time by Ph.D guys

Epic meal time CERN! One word for them, EPIC.

CERN is the coolest and the most awesome science facility in the world!

OK, look like I talk about CERN more than myself, but who care! Then let’s talk about me and CERN! Beamline Competition!!

CERN is making a fully equipped beam line available for a team of school students to run an experiment, that’s mean if I win this competition I will go to CERN and use fully equip beamline for free! Everything is FREE except souvenir!!

World map showing the locations, in blue, of the 455 teams registered for the beam line for schools competition (Image: Kristin Kaltenhauser)

As you see! 3 teams from Thailand!!! Well, there’re still have some geek in Thailand. This is Only register, the way still very long!!

Map of the locations that teams applied from (Image: CERN)

There are only 2 teams from Thailand that survive! One is my team but other one, I don’t know.

But finally I’m not win the competition, big chance to go to do some project at CERN is fly away.

No, I’m do my best. Nothing to be worry about. I get many experience and waiting for next competition!

OK, forget to tell you my name. I’m Sine – as same as sin in trigonometry.

you can leave comment as you want!

I’ll keep updating my blog everyday, or at least every 2 day. Please keep watching for my update!!

And… I write this blog for describe who am I, Isn’t it? Someone answer me please.

Still don’t know how to write a blog, anyone advice please…

If you want to share your experience, your picture or everything. Please E-mail me to with subject “PPFL experience project”

If you want to give me some advice or any support except money (just kidding). Please E-mail me to the same E-mail show before with subject “PPFL advisor”

If you want to ask something you want to know or have any question, let me know it! Please E-mail me to the same E-mail show before with subject “PPFL answer me”

and the last, If you want to text me anyway. Please E-mail me to the same E-mail show before with subject “PPFL and me”